Event production and management is multifaceted and fast paced. Multiple avenues need to be managed and be able to accommodate change quickly while maximizing ROI. All this is on top of staying focused on growth and maintaining value for all parties involved. Lasso is a unique tool that provides an event management company visibility into the complete event staffing pipeline, project management and inventory planning. Created by event production professionals to help others in the industry and to benefit events collectively, it assists event operations by significantly reducing the time spent in finding the optimal staff, equipment and resources for an event.
Audio Visual Production companies spend a significant amount of time and resources in connecting with, hiring, and training production staff. These staff are often professionals who specialize in operating a variety of equipment and are in high demand across the industry. To properly staff a complex event would therefore require the right mix of technicians with the appropriate skillset, which can be challenging for a labour coordinator to complete. Lasso aims to solve this by performing a number of different tasks:
- It can work as a standalone tool for project management or in tandem with other tools with a focus on labour and staffing. Due to its heavy focus on AV production standards, it has a number of ready-made tools that allow the planning of an event to be slotted into a number of templates and then customized according to the event’s needs, regardless of how large, small or complex it could be. By providing seamless guest access, the production company is also able to keep the planner team apprised of the progress of the project.
- It can provide a cost/benefit analysis for staffing and yield accurate budgeting for technical labour. These numbers can be accounted for in the quoting process and long-term planning, particularly for larger and more complex events.
- Staff skills can be accurately and granularly tracked, with updates in skill sets entered in a seamless and convenient manner, having the additional benefit of creating a training tracker and toolset. This tool greatly enhances how a production company utilizes its labour pool for the benefit of a client event, while keeping it current in terms of training.
- The most suitable technician for any position at any event can be assigned, speeding up the process. Through highly specific filtering, including through the use of notes made by previous managers or event leads along with the aforementioned skills matrix, the labour coordinator can make sure the technician assigned the job can execute it successfully.
- Clients can benefit from historical notes and prior event knowledge. By working with a technical team that lent themselves to the success of a conference on a previous iteration, they can continue to build relationships with venues, presenters and other parties to replicate and surpass the previous success.
- Lasso also simplifies the processes for technicians. They are able to see shift requests easily (to be accepted or declined) while also updating unavailability (which then plays into the scheduling filter for the labour coordinator). As well, the technician has access to the details of the event to help with invoicing and reconciling any billing discrepancies.
Lasso provides a toolkit that allows AV production companies the ability to properly manage the staffing of their operations, which directly benefit clients, planners and the labour pool. Through continuous improvement and the application of functional logic, the platform continues to improve and drive value for all the adopters in its pipeline.